Discover a groundbreaking approach to autograding in cloud computing education with our talk, "Revolutionizing Autograding in Cloud Computing: A Generative AI Approach." While current autograder systems may work well in traditional courses, our proposal introduces a game-changing solution—integrating generative AI into the widely-used Prairielearn platform.

Explore how this innovation enhances autograding capabilities, enabling the adept assessment of complex, open-ended assignments while providing constructive feedback to students. We delve into the evaluation of essential factors such as performance, cost, response time, and throughput, vital for deploying applications effectively in the cloud. Gain insights into the tangible benefits of leveraging genAI within Prairielearn, addressing the challenges of manual grading and contributing to the evolution of educational practices. Join us as we navigate the intricate landscape of autograding, offering a vision for the future that enriches the learning experience for students in the dynamic field of cloud computing.


Maryam R.Aliabadi, 2024 Summit Speaker

Maryam Raiyat Aliabadi

Postdoctoral Teaching and Research Fellow, University of British Columbia

I am a Teaching Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. My academic journey has been enriched by diverse experiences across the globe. Guided by a passion for innovation and security, my academic pursuits led me to delve into the world of Internet of Things security. This culminated in my noteworthy PhD thesis, meticulously crafted at both UBC's and SBU's esteemed Computer Science departments. With over 10 years of international industrial experience as an R&D engineer and IT project manager, and 3 years of teaching experience in international universities such as New York Tech – Vancouver, Canada, I bring a wealth of practical and academic knowledge. My research interests revolve around the domains of Computer Systems Security, Edge Computing, and Cloud Computing, particularly exploring the intriguing facets of Data Center Security. Beyond academia, my commitment to the digital world's safety is manifested through my role as the trailblazer behind Cyber Security Education for children through Gamification. The culmination of this vision is KIDS SHIELD, a pioneering initiative in CanadA.

Summit Speaker

Harshinee Sriram

PhD Student in Explainable AI, University of British Columbia

Harshinee Sriram is a Graduate Student Researcher at The UBC Cloud Innovation Centre (CIC) and is currently a 4th-year Computer Science Ph.D. candidate at UBC, Vancouver. Her research interests lie in leveraging AI techniques to learn more about a user and solve user-centered problems. She is also one of the 14 selected to be a part of UBC's NSERC and CIFAR-funded Advanced Machine Learning Research Training Network, an initiative dedicated to developing a new generation of AI researchers prepared to tackle the most significant current and future challenges in AI research.

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Technology Track

Session Format
Speaker Presentation (45 mins)